خدمات الويب ماستر

سفارة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بالرباط: توظيف في عدة وظائف. آخر أجل هو 22 شتنبر و1 و3 أكتوبر 2014

Ambassade USA rabat


سفارة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بالرباط: توظيف في عدة وظائف. آخر أجل هو 22 شتنبر و1 و3 أكتوبر 2014


United States Diplomatic Mission to Morocco




Job Opportunities

To see the Vacancy Announcement, click on the Position Title hyperlink in the table below. Read the Announcement carefully before applying 



Vacancy Announcement
14-56 Lead Electrical Control Technicianpdf (PDF - 122 KB) September 22, 2014
14-55 Lead HVAC Control Technicianpdf (PDF - 122 KB) September 22, 2014
14-54 Computer Operatorpdf (PDF - 120 KB) September 22, 2014
14-52 Agricultural Specialistpdf (PDF - 165 KB) October 3, 2014
14-49 Senior Commercial Specialistpdf October 1, 2014


How to Apply – Follow Instructions Carefully

1- To see the Vacancy Announcement, click on the Position Title hyperlink in the table below.  Read the Announcement carefully before applying.

2- The Application for Employment as a Locally Employed Staff or Family Member, DS-174 (Word Document) is mandatory.   Without this, applications will not be considered.  Answer every question.  Full instructions for the DS-174 form can be found here.

3- Please send your application only if you are applying for a specific position and meet the qualifications for that position. Our Mission does not maintain a database for applications.  Therefore you must submit an application for every open position.  Send only one application per Vacancy Announcement.  Send DS-174 and Curriculum Vitae/Resumé only.   Other documents will be needed only if and when you are selected for interview.  Do not send copies of Attestations, Identity cards, Passports, Birth Certificates or Naturalization Certificates.

4- Applications must be received by the closing date and must be sent either:


a. By post, send to:

Ambassade des Etats-Unis d’Amerique Human Resources – Vacancy _______  

2, Avenue Mohamed Al Fassi

Rabat, Maroc  

b. By e-mail (preferred), send to:  



Subject line should say:  Vacancy Announcement _____(number), Position (for example, Vacancy Announcement 12-03, Driver).  We will not retrieve/download your application from an external site.   It must be sent as an Attachment.   


c. By fax:   

From Morocco  -  0537 66 08 75      

From outside Morocco  -  212 537 66 08 75

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