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SOS Children's Villages recrute pour 4 postes

SOS Villages d’Enfants Maroc


SOS Children's Villages recrute pour 4 postes


SOS Children's Villages www.sos-childrensvillages.org is an international non-governmental social development organisation that has been active in the field of children's rights and committed to children's needs and concerns since 1949. In 133 countries and territories our activities focus on children without parental care and children of families in difficult circumstances.

We work on family-based, long-term care of children who can no longer grow up with their biological families. At our SOS Children's Villages children experience reliable relationships and loving care once again. They grow up in a stable family environment and are supported individually until they become independent young adults.

We also support disadvantaged families to prevent crisis that can in the worst case scenario lead to children being placed in out-of-home care. Our family strengthening programmes build on families' and communities' resources, on their ability to organise themselves and on their responsibility for the well-being of the children.
The Regional Office North Africa and Middle East supports capacity building and development in national associations and in different areas of work. It leads and guides the development of programmes, strategies and policies in the Region.

Scope of work


Finance & HR/OD Assistant MENA

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