خدمات الويب ماستر

الجامعة الإلكترونية السعودية: مطلوب التعاقد مع هيئة التدريس في عدة تخصصات

المملكة العربية السعودية


الجامعة الإلكترونية السعودية: مطلوب التعاقد مع هيئة التدريس في عدة تخصصات


Royaume d'Arabie saoudite

Saudi Electronic University


Requirements of Saudi Electronic University

Male and Female


Department / Discipline




Expected Salary


Accounting, Management, Finance, Economy, e-Commerce, Management Information Systems,  Statistics, Commercial Law



PhD holders only


2 Years Academic Experience

Assistant Professor and Associate Professor only


Depends on academic rank and experience


Computer Science, Information Systems, Information Technology,

Information Security



PhD holders only


2 Years Academic Experience

Assistant Professor and Associate Professor only


Depends on academic rank and experience


- Health informatics (Health Information Systems, Health Information management)


- Health administration, Health Policy and Management, Healthcare Management


- Public Health


- Prefer PhD holders


- Master degree acceptable

2 Years Academic Experience

- Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professors- Lecturer


Depends on academic rank and experience


Other Conditions:

1. English proficiency: speaking, reading and writing;

2. For Accounting, Management, Finance, Economy, e-Commerce, Management Information Systems,  Information Security Computer Science, Information Systems, and Information Technology: Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees must be in the same major. For health Sciences: Bachelor and Master degree in Psychology and Sociology are not acceptable

3. Applicants need to fill the form at the following link: http://apps.seu.edu.sa/recruit/login.phppage web




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